Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Earley St Peter's, we believe that every child is entitled to an inclusive broad and balanced curriculum. Our culture of high expectations is ambitious for all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, to reach their full potential. Therefore, our staff team aim to create a caring, friendly and nurturing environment where all children thrive socially, personally and academically.

Special Education Needs or Disabilities (SEND) is a term used to describe children who have additional needs in one of the following areas of their development:

Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social and emotional health
Sensory and/or physical difficulties

The SENDCo and class teacher meet regularly with parents to ensure they are informed of the progress and next steps in development for their child.

Earley St Peter's SENDCo is Mrs Dunthorne who can contacted via the school office: admin@earley-st-peters.wokingham.sch.uk 

Please click on the link below to view the school's Local Offer 

